
Tuesday, 27 October 2015

My shift from Singapore to USA

The Patil family was going to the airport. They were packing their bags and their furniture. They had a nine year old son. His name was Advay and he had to say good bye to his school and help them pack their furniture. 

When he said bye to his school lots and lots of tears rolled down his eyes. Then his mother said “Don’t worry I am sure that they will check your blog out. So you should write more and more about your adventures” 

Finally they were done with the most tiring job ever. Now they had to pack their bags everyone helped one another so they could get done quickly. 

After they were done, they had to go to the airport. But when they tried to get a taxi they just couldn’t get one. So they had to ask their neighbors if they could give them a ride. 

The neighbors said “Yes”. It was a long ride there was nothing to doing the car rather than just sleeping. “I wished my dad was being insincere about this. One time my mom did this weird magic trick I had to stare at her in disbelief” Advay said to himself. 

So when he was bored he decided to sleep for 3 or 4 hours because it was going to be a long ride. But when he was about to fall asleep his mother told him not to because they would need help putting the luggage into the cart. They got done with their check-in quickly. 

But when they heard a thunder outside they knew their flight would be delayed. Then Advay asked “How long are we going to stay in this lounge for” “I think 60% more than the car ride” his dad suggested. They had to wait and wait. Then finally their son asked “Can I sleep” “Yes” his mother replied. So Advay tried to dream about that they were happy in the airplane and there was a rainbow with a lot of sun rays. Finally they could go in the flight. They were almost ready to take off. As Advay looked out of the window , noticed the most amazing sight. There was a rainbow outside just like Advay's dream, and they made it to USA.

The End

Sunday, 18 October 2015

My first day at school.

I was moving from Singapore to USA. So that is why I wanted to write this in my blog post. This is my fifth school that I have been in.
I was so nervous, when I got in the classroom. I had no friends. So who will I be playing with in snack recess and lunch recess. I was feeling so lonely. But my teacher told me that I was going to have a buddy. I did not know who was it going to be my buddy.  I thought I looked different than the others, and thought nobody would want to be my friends L. My teacher told me that my buddy would be Jonhathon. It was recess time I went out with my buddy feeling a little bit L. He said that we should play four square. I liked that game and I was so good at it when I played it over there. He also had some other friends. Now before I end this story/blogpost I am going to give you some tips to do well on your first day of school.
Tip 1:Do not be scared it is going to work out well.
Tip 2:Always be smiling at other people so they will be your friends.
Tip 3:Enjoy your school using these tips.

The End