
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are living things . They are made out of calcium carbonate and are animals that grow a hard skeleton.
                               Coral reefs are found in tropical oceans and in the sunlight zone. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef in the world. It is found in Australia. Did you know that Australia is known as Oceania?
                                    You should not step on coral reefs as they will die.Did you know that we have lost 10 of our coral reefs in the world???????And that is not good. If people keep on stepping on coral reefs we will have no reefs except The Great Barrier reef. We have to have more than 1 coral reefs because fish like to swim around coral reefs.
                                 You should not destroy coral reefs, because little fish around it will die , or do not touch them because you will hurt their special skin.

                                                       Save The Reefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                
                                                     Write your pledge in a comment.                     


  1. Thank you for this great blog post! I learnt so many new things! Here's my pledge: I pledge to educate more people about coral reefs and their conservation by sharing this post on facebook. I also pledge to be gentle around coral reefs when i will go scuba diving next!

  2. Thanx advay, we don't have coral reefs in india but I promise to be careful around one , whenever I travel.

  3. Hi Advay,
    My pledge is that whenever I go snorkelling or scuba diving I will try not to disturb the coral. I will also collect any garbage I see in the water. This is a great idea to have people make pledges in the comment section - you are truly an involved citizen!

    Well done.
    Mr. G
